
At the forefront of athlete and game development are our touch football coaches. From grassroots through to representative levels, our game relies on volunteer coaches.

Ensuring that coaches are adequately supported to undertake their voluntary role is a primary focus of the sport.

Touch Football Australia has a four-tier accreditation system linked to the AIS Development model FTEM, which is supported by Queensland Touch Football and Brisbane Touch through the provision of Courses – Foundation Coach, Talent Coach and Elite Coach.

As well as providing support and education at Foundation level, the sport provides opportunities for volunteers to pursue representative coaching pathways at Affiliate, Regional, State and National levels.


Pro 2013 – Level 1

Junior Teams

School Teachers

Senior Affiliate Teams 


Pro 2013 – Level 2

Junior Representative Teams

Regional Junior and Senior Representative Teams


Pro 2013  part Level 2/3

National Youth Championships

National Touch League 


Pro 2013  part Level 3/new

Elite Eight

Australian Teams

Start your Coaching pathway today – CLICK to find a course near you!